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Who (We) Are


Born into Melodies


My pregnant mother would dance and sing 

while I was in utero.

I came out with a keen attention for music,

and notably started dancing to the beat 

sooner than I could stand.


The arts were heavily encouraged,

and performing was second nature

to just about each and every one

of us 8 children.


Mother wanted a Shirley Temple, 

and even though I never pursued tap dancing,

I believe much of my inspiration comes from this

multi-talented performer that really captured

the heart of nations. 


Raised to Play


Life is a stage, and most of the costumes are home-made.


Renaissance fairs & road shows

inspired a flare

for real-life theatrics that have since

come into play during live productions.


While the aesthetic has modernized, exaggerated motions and contorted facial features are still summoned during my more spirited performances.


- - - - -


"The lips, the teeth, the tip of the tongue.

The lips, the teeth, the tip of the tongue.

Annunciate, articulate, exaggerate"

*clack clack*


-Michele Stark ("like Stark Naked")

2003 - 2007 Choir Teacher


Learning to Fly

The Royal Jelly

Singing since my slither through the mortal canal,

teenage years were spent learning an instrument, thusly opening the door of open mics, recitals, talent shows, and backyard jams.


Many songs in my current repertoire were created during these intense emotional segments of life when music was the safest outlet for my angst.


"Going to Hell" is from my 17 year old form, questioning beliefs in God and all else,

against the caution of many

loving church members.


I no longer succumb to that tide of emotion,

but I remember and honor that era

by presenting the tragedy

"Going to Hell"

with bonafide conviction.


Departing the Hive


So crossed I into the realm of adult, 

where talents now need to either

pay the bills 

or be put aside.


I pursued nursing for 5 years and checked

all the boxes I had set out to achieve:

financial stability, scheduled predictability, sustainable habits, honorable credits -

so why did it feel like I was going the wrong way?


I took a leap of faith:

out of medical and into music,

a community that has encouraged me

to pursue my passion,

so here it is:




My dream is to create an experience

that transports you into the heart

of an ever growing story....



Forming Anew


I look to forge artistic unions across the nation that benefit we drones with the fruits of our labor: honey



I invite you to participate with me in the current renaissance, where we write & perform plays, paint landscapes, and juggle fire

(among the other endless forms of talent). 


A portal to this magical realm of cooperation

can be found at the following regions

of *time & space:




Moonshadow Festival, LA

March 15-17, 2024

Code APIS for %5 off


Building Wo-Man, UT

April 25 - 28, 2024


Bus Fair, OR

June 21 - 23, 2024


MidSummers Eve Festival, WY

June 28 - 30, 2024


The Family Reunion, OR

July 26 - 28, 2024


*all other gigs

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